“I love how vjoon K4 enables me to ‘see’ my story unfold on the page, as I write it. And I appreciate how it provides an easily accessed platform for collaboration between writers, editors, and designers, which ultimately creates a much more efficient, much better publication.”
Mary Ellen Flannery
Senior Editor, NEA
About the customer:
The National Education Association (NEA) is the nation’s largest professional employee organization, committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.
NEA Today magazine is the flagship publication of the NEA. Delivered quarterly to educators nationwide, the publication explores today’s toughest teaching challenges and solutions. Additionally, the organization publishes NEA Today for NEA–Retired Members, NEA Today for Future Educators, Higher Education Advocate, and a number of other distinct titles. Some of the content is shared across publications, but a good deal of content is distinct for each title.
- Optimizing editorial and production workflow as demand increased with the addition of new titles and more content both in print and in digital editions.
- Improving remote collaboration with NEA‘s external design and production agency.
- Enhancing collaboration between layout designers and editors.
- vjoon K4 provides NEA staff with the much-needed visibility into what other team members are working on throughout the editorial production process.
- The vjoon K4 platform is flexible, configurable, and scalable, allowing NEA to use the same tools and technology for the production of all of the organization’s magazines.
- Editorial staff can now work seamlessly with the external creative agency to publish the organization’s magazines more efficiently through the use of K4.