Walter Lorz – managing director of OBCC – is the author of Move36 magazine for a young audience. He uses many of vjoon K4’s automations for his multichannel strategy.
OBCC has now released a new learning software which will soon also be tested by the Stuttgart Media University.
So far, the personal world of the students and real learning at school are still very different. The ever-present smartphone is hardly used, the learning materials have apparently not changed for decades. However, 14 to 29-year-olds surf the Internet 187 minutes a day, dedicating only 32 minutes to books or magazines. Almost 100 percent of young people use the smartphone daily or several times a week, the Internet is the number one medium for obtaining information.
The new OBCC Classroom software is intended to do more justice to the everyday reality of today’s students. Dieter Umlauf, senior student advisor at the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule in Fulda, presents the application at Learntec in Karlsruhe.
Students can use the app to create multimedia books, create texts and add photos and videos. Classroom thus delivers what Prof. Frank Thissen demands when it comes to digital learning. Thissen teaches e-learning, mobile learning, and story-based learning at Stuttgart Media University. Students should actively participate in the teaching material and use mobile devices as tools.
Instead of just working with texts, they can work with pictures and videos, and at the same time, they can work on joint projects independent of time and place. New, interesting contents are thus immediately available for all. The teachers can also provide quick and uncomplicated help and respond more directly to the different abilities of their students. The classroom also has a chat function so students can help each other.
Walter Lorz is enthusiastic about the positive response of his software. In addition to the tests in Stuttgart, there are already other inquiries, including a renowned textbook publisher. Also, 90 percent of the pupils fully or rather agree that digital media make teaching more interesting and 41 percent also learn in their free time with learning videos (source: Bitkom: Digital School – networked learning).
The new software is also a great advantage for schools; they are no longer bound to certain textbooks and the students no longer forget their learning material.
Nowadays, such forward-looking multichannel offers are unavoidable. Only the sensible combination of the print edition, e-paper, website, blog, apps, or mobile versions makes a product a success. OBCC has been working with vjoon K4 for several years and uses it to create Move36.
Walter Lorz is enthusiastic about the positive response of his software. In addition to the tests in Stuttgart, there are already other inquiries, including a renowned textbook publisher. Also, 90 percent of the pupils fully or rather agree that digital media make teaching more interesting and 41 percent also learn in their free time with learning videos (source: Bitkom: Digital School – networked learning).
The new software is also a great advantage for schools; they are no longer bound to certain textbooks and the students no longer forget their learning material.
Nowadays, such forward-looking multichannel offers are unavoidable. Only the sensible combination of the print edition, e-paper, website, blog, apps, or mobile versions makes a product a success. OBCC has been working with vjoon K4 for several years and uses it to create Move36.